CatRisk Middle East Earthquake Model
- Organisation
- CatRisk Solutions Ltd
- Model Name
- CatRisk Middle East Earthquake Model
- Primary Hazard
- Earthquake
- Bahrain
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Oman
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Syrian Arab Republic
- United Arab Emirates
- Yemen
- License
- Annual
- Version
- R.
- Info URL
- Mathematical model
- First Release
- 2014
- Last Release
- 2017
- Actively Used In Sector
- Secondary Hazard
- -
Financial module
(i.e. insurance
policy conditions)
Financial module (i.e. insurance policy conditions)
- Included
- Abstract
- "Cat Risk Solutions apply fully probabilistic methods to earthquake catastrophe risk modelling in Africa, the Middle East and Iran. Features of the model include: State-of-the-art scientific and engineering; Fully probabilistic to incorporate uncertainties; Regional model across the Middle East; Synthetic event catalogue of 10,000 years; 3-D fault modelling for each simulated event; Exposure Mapping by latitude and longitude, city, province or country; Exposure disaggregation into very fine set of points; Vulnerability functions to match exposure data; Mapping system to link user exposure; Incorporating damageability uncertainty.
Analytics are fully integrated into the Oasis platform and available within CATRISK Analytical software. Financial Module includes: Limits and deductibles of different types; Shares of limits and multiple layers; Event-by-event loss by location, risk type, policy and account; EP curve, AAL and various loss statistics; Tabular Losses by return period or probability. User Interface uses Flamingo: a graphical user interface (GUI) Web-browser and the CATRISK platform - No software needs to be installed."
- Model Components
- Aggregate Exceedance Probabilities (AEP)
- Annual Average Loss (AAL)
- Default vulnerability functions (for multiple exposure types)
- Geocoding Engine
- Included exposure data
- Included hazard model(s)
- Included hazard scenario(s)
- Occurrence Exceedance Probabilities (OEP)
- Output Event Loss Table (ELT)
- Output Year Loss Table (YLT)
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Hazard
- Variable Resolution Grid (<100 m max. cell size)
- Variable Resolution Grid (>100 m max. cell size)
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Exposure
- Admin level 1 (e.g., U.S. State)
- Admin level 2 (e.g., U.S. County)
- Admin level 3 (e.g., U.S. municipality)
- Coordinate (lat./long.)
- Event Catalogue
- Stochastic
- Vulnerability Modifiers
- -
- Primary Modifiers
- Loss Amplification
Accounted For
Uncertainty Accounted For
- Comments
- Hazard and Vulnerability
Individual risk is first represented by a hazard probability distribution, sampled in equally sized bins. Intensity measures, represented by each hazard bin, are combined with vulnerability functions to return a damage distribution. We perform a full numerical integration of hazard and damage distributions, resulting in event damage distributions. These distributions are sampled further using Monte Carlo simulations to allow the correct aggregation of loss at other levels.
- Exposure Types
- Industrial Building
- Industrial Contents
- Residential Building
- Residential Contents
- Commercial Building
- Commercial Contents
- Supported platform
- Platform details
- -
Application Cloud
Application Cloud Hosting
- Cloud Hosted
- Client Requirements
Client Requirements
Client Requirements RAM/CPU
- -/-
- Browser Version
- -
- Name
- Dr M Zolfaghari
Email Address /
Contact Details
Email Address / Contact Details
- Telephone
- 0000
Supporting Documentation
- Services abstract
- All models are available for Licensing under Oasis Loss Modelling platform; Portfolio analyses under consulting contract; Site-specific risk assessment; Available for commissioning models for new territories / perils.
- Services downloads