Building Climate and Disaster Resilience in Communities along Dili-Ainaro and Linked Road Corridors Project - Natural Hazard Risk Assessment at Suco (
- Organisation
- Model Name
- Building Climate and Disaster Resilience in Communities along Dili-Ainaro and Linked Road Corridors Project - Natural Hazard Risk Assessment at Suco (
- Primary Hazard
- River flood (fluvial)
- License
- Not Specified
- Version
- 1
- Info URL
- Mathematical model
- First Release
- 2015
- Last Release
- -
- Actively Used In Sector
- Secondary Hazard
- -
Financial module
(i.e. insurance
policy conditions)
Financial module (i.e. insurance policy conditions)
- Not Included
- Abstract
- "As part of this project developed a total of 47,846 building footprints in the study using high-resolution satellite imagery and sample field verification. Improved Land Use Land Cover by updating all the data of building level footprints and developed Digital Terrain Model (DTM) using 20m interval contours, high-resolution DSM, and Spot-heights for the study. Developed and improved hazard models for flood, strong wind, and landslide. Develop suco level hazard and risk profile. All the GIS data, outputs, and the suco level Risk Atlas have been uploaded to a GeoNode created by SOPAC/SPC team for Timor-Leste. Carried out Capacity Building and Knowledge Transfer by way of through Workshops, Hands-on Training as well as Field-surveys.
- Model Components
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Hazard
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Exposure
- Event Catalogue
- -
- Vulnerability Modifiers
- -
- Primary Modifiers
- Loss Amplification
Accounted For
Uncertainty Accounted For
- Comments
- -
- Exposure Types
- Supported platform
- -
- Platform details
- -
Application Cloud
Application Cloud Hosting
- -
- Client Requirements
Client Requirements
Client Requirements RAM/CPU
- -/-
- Browser Version
- -
- Name
- Sushil Gupta
Email Address /
Contact Details
Email Address / Contact Details
- Telephone
- +91 8826100332
Supporting Documentation
- Services abstract
- -
- Services downloads