Australia FloodCat

Ambiental Risk Analytics
Model Name
Australia FloodCat
Primary Hazard
River flood (fluvial)
Info URL
Mathematical model
Probabilistic and Deterministic
First Release
Last Release
Actively Used In Sector
  • Insurance
Secondary Hazard
Financial module
(i.e. insurance
policy conditions)
Financial module (i.e. insurance policy conditions)
Not Included
Based on Ambiental’s market-leading flood hazard model, Australia FloodCat™ is the most comprehensive and accurate Australia-wide catastrophe model available. Australia FloodCat™ includes more than 100,000 realistic synthetic flooding events, as well as major historic flood events throughout Australia to give accurate catastrophic flood catastrophe information right down to individual property level. Property vulnerability is classified according to usage, occupancy, construction type and other factors. So you can fully understand and quantify the impact of a full range of flood loss scenarios. Working in close collaboration with the insurance industry, Australia FloodCat™ has been thoroughly tested and validated against both historic floods and losses. It’s available immediately in Oasis, through Simpitium ModEx and Aon Benfield’s ELEMENTS platform.
Model Components
  • Output Event Loss Table (ELT)
  • Output Year Loss Table (YLT)
  • Occurrence Exceedance Probabilities (OEP)
  • Aggregate Exceedance Probabilities (AEP)
  • Annual Average Loss (AAL)
  • Geocoding Engine
  • Default vulnerability functions (for multiple exposure types)
  • Included hazard scenario(s)
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Hazard
  • Variable Resolution Grid (<10 m max. cell size)
  • Coordinate (lat./long.)
  • Building-block
  • Postcode
Spatial Resolution
Spatial Resolution Exposure
  • Coordinate (lat./long.)
  • Building-block
  • Postcode
Event Catalogue
10,000 years
Vulnerability Modifiers
Occupancy, number of stories, construction scheme
Primary Modifiers
  • Main construction type or material
  • Height or number of storeys
Loss Amplification
Accounted For
Uncertainty Accounted For
At a Glance: Country-wide flood catastrophe model Property and post code level Pluvial and fluvial flooding Flowroute-i™ 2D flood model Highest precision for major cities Full probability event catalogue Up-to-date detailed vulnerability data (GAR15)
Exposure Types
  • Residential Building
  • Commercial Building
  • Industrial Building
Supported platform
Platform details
Application Cloud
Application Cloud Hosting
Client Requirements
Client Requirements
Client Requirements RAM/CPU
16 GB/i5 multicore
Browser Version
Paul Drury
Email Address /
Contact Details
Email Address / Contact Details
Supporting Documentation
Services abstract
Ambiental provides flood risk consultancy, data and models to a range of organisations from local and national governments to primary and re-insurers as well is international and intergovernmental organisations. For some time we have been a prominent consultancy and technology provider specialising in large scale flood risk investigations with developed skills, tools and methodologies to support catastrophic flood risk / loss modelling and the design of mitigation options (including flood forecasting and alerting systems) at both strategic and implementation levels. Our involvement in more general environmental risk assessment work has also led to a significant expertise and experience in wider environmental assessment, including ecology, climate change, and groundwater risk assessment. Additionally, we have developed expertise in flood monitoring and emergency response data services and command dashboards and also have strong relationships with a number of technical suppliers in this field. Ambiental is an established supplier of high-res, global flood hazard data with a proven capability to undertake bespoke flood modelling projects internationally; from local to national scale. Recent project experience in rapidly building catastrophe models and creating probabilistic event sets for use by the (re)insurance industry and governments. Ambiental is a recognised provider of risk analysis data, flood modelling software (e.g: Flowroute-i(TM))/ distribution platforms, and consultancy services with products which are suitable for use in parametric insurance / risk transfer. Through recent innovative projects awarded by NERC, Innovate UK and SSGP we have developed prototype solutions which can be exported internationally to enable stakeholders to better understand the risk of flooding. This work has included the build of a satellite tasking prioritisation map and satellite image processing capabilities, specifically applied to derive detailed flood extents which can be delivered to end users with greater accuracy and in faster timeframes than existing offerings. We have also made recent accomplishments in developing delivery platforms and integrated flood data feeds for real-time flood monitoring. We model and analyse the impacts of all sources of flooding (e.g. river, tidal and pluvial), and provide rapid screening solutions right through to highly detailed studies at a variety of spatial scales. Ambiental is also able to offer capacity building, consultancy and training in flood awareness and multi-peril disaster risk assessment, having trained World Bank staff in Washington DC amongst others. Our capability is maintained through close collaborations with industry and academic partners and we are quick to leverage emerging technologies so as to remain at the forefront of current scientific thinking in fields such as hazard prediction, remote sensing and climate change.
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